Each month, PARMA has the pleasure of not only releasing powerful works by our artists, but also seeing the positive impact that these works have on listeners. Read on for a selection of what the press had to say about the latest releases from Navona, Ravello, Ansonica, and Big Round Records.
[Featured Image: Composer Sergio Cervetti with the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra after the recording session for his music on PARALLEL REALMS]

“…purely and compellingly orchestral. Very good sound.”

“SUSTAIN works surprisingly well as an album. Each piece is somehow enhanced by its distance from the work it follows.”

“The piece is a significant American music drama that deserves to be heard.”

“A PATH OF LIGHT exemplifies small-group playing at its finest, with the four members, even if augmented by guests, presenting an uplifting ‘World Music’ capable of global appeal.”

“The Crossing performs these works in stunning sound.”

“Both pieces are interesting and imaginatively composed.”

“Arcadiana brings spirited and
energetic interpretations that effectively portray the variety of musical characters found in Alberga’s quartets.”