Featured Recording Opportunity: Croatia!
This recording opportunity is now closed. Thank you for your submissions. To browse open opportunities visit the Recordings Opportunities page.

Visit and make music in a European artistic hub with this classical recording opportunity. Scores will be produced and released on PARMA’s GRAMMY award winning Navona Records label following recording sessions in Croatia with the Zagreb Festival Orchestra, the featured ensemble of New York Times best-selling author Dan Brown’s Wild Symphony.

Recording with the Zagreb Festival Orchestra, the ensemble which recorded #1 NY Times best-selling Dan Brown’s hit classical piece for families, WILD SYMPHONY:
- Performance video: The Ray
- Full album: Listen
- MGM announcement of feature film: Variety article

To be released on our GRAMMY-winning Navona Records label, planned for the second edition of the CONTEMPORARY COLORS series, spotlighting handpicked repertoire by selected orchestras:
“The orchestra gives well-drilled performances… and Navona’s sound is very clear.” – Gramophone review
“Working closely with the GRAMMY-winning PARMA Recordings sustained the orchestra’s objective of keeping music alive through high-quality audio-visual productions. Amongst others, such an investment led to a 224% jump in subscribers to the MPO’s YouTube channel, reaching 32 million unique people across 46 countries.” – Times of Malta feature

Selected composers will be featured in an interview on the nationally broadcast Croatian Radio (HRT) program “Americana.”

Option for Dolby Atmos immersive audio mixing/mastering, multi-camera performance capture, and/or documentary video production available.

Further examples of the ZFO’s work: www.zagrebfestivalorchestra.com/our-work
“Working with PARMA Recordings was a dream come true. I am forever grateful for everybody involved in making this recording a reality.”
“All of [PARMA’s] efforts to make the recordings come together on such a tight deadline are hugely appreciated. Very glad I was pointed in your direction.”
“The orchestra performed at a fantastic level, and we were both astounded by the efficiency of the session as a whole and would like to sincerely thank all involved.”
Please note before submitting: This opportunity requires funding/budget to be secured by or on behalf of the artists of approved pieces. Artists will retain full ownership of their resulting masters and maintain full control of the artistic direction of the project. Costs are determined based on approved pieces of music as assessed by our A&R and Production Departments as well as the ensembles and performers involved. PARMA’s team is available to assist with planning, approvals, and outward-facing documentation to assist toward the generation of project funding for approved pieces.
This recording opportunity is now closed. Thank you for your submissions.