Composer and pianist David Haney, and multi instrumentalist, Dave Storrs, present a revolutionary way to explore Classical music.
Most compositions are developed using some degree of improvisation. By playing (experimenting) with some of the great passages of music from Beethoven and Ravel, Haney and Storrs present a window into the rare hybrid world of composed and improvised music, in which both disciplines inspire each other. Enjoy this modern look at classical music.
David Haney
Born in Fresno, CA in 1955, David Haney grew up in Calgary, Canada. He studied composition for five years with Czech American composer Tomáš Svoboda. He has been a member of the Society of Oregon composers and his works have been performed in Europe, the United States, Canada, and South America. Since 1997, the following improvising artists have worked with Haney on his projects: Roswell Rudd. Julian Priester, John Tchicai, Steve Swell, Roy Campbell, Bud Shank, Wolter Wierbos, Han Bennik, Andrew Cyrille, Bernard Purdie, Marvin Bugalu Smith, Gerry Hemingway, Dylan van der Schyff, Buell Neidlinger, Dominic Duval, Adam Lane, Michael Bisio, Paul Blaney, Perry Robinson, and Johannes Bauer. As a leader, Haney has over 20 albums on CIMP (USA), Cadence (USA), SLAM (UK), NoSeSo (Argentina), La Gorda (Argentina, and Canada Jazz Studio (Canada).
“Mr. Haney is a pianist drawn to experimental settings, and he creates a promising one here.” –The New York Times
“Haney’s jagged and contemplative clusters of notes, sometimes [create] a brooding, pensive mood reminiscent of a Jackson Pollock painting and other times [set] forth a forward momentum that reminds you that this music comes from that essential kernel of jazz creation: swing.” –ICE Magazine
“One of the most inventive pianists in the USA…”–Bruce Lee Gallanter, Downtown Music Gallery
“a pianist whose accomplishments far outranks his public profile…”–Peter Monaghan, Earshot Jazz
“Pianist Haney has played inside and out, from Bud Shank to John Tchicai.”–The Village Voice
“At times, Haney’s dexterity can sound like piano for four hands, or more accurately music for piano and percussion, though never in overwhelming fashion.” –Laurence Donohue-Greene, All About Jazz Online
Dave Storrs
After more than three decades in the music business, jazz drummer Dave Storrs has amassed a weatlh of experience and numerous recording credits. In the early ’80s, he began recording albums as a headliner, with the release of 1983’s Ross Island. He released Report From a Log in 1987, then found his own record label in 1995, Louie Records in Oregon. By 2001 the label had released 19 records, some of which received critical and commercial attention on the national level, including albums by Rob Blakeslee and the Tone Sharks, which Storrs also leads. He continued to release a number of albums in the late ’90s, both as a member of the Tone Sharks and as a headliner in his own right. In 2001 he released his first solo percussion album, Another Thing, which featured Storrs on all instruments, as well as production and engineering.
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