Each week, PARMA has the pleasure of not only releasing powerful works by our artists, but also seeing the positive impact that these works have on listeners. Read on for a selection of what the press had to say about the latest releases from Navona and Ravello Records.

“…a powerful intoxicant, especially when its serene tone is so seducing.”
Textura on Bill Whitley’s ABSENT LIGHT.

Q&A with composer and pianist Eleanor Alberga in Financial Times.

Ovidiu Marinescu’s “Chronos” from A GRAND JOURNEY featured on Apple Music’s playlist New in Classical.

Interview with Nicki Roman on the Everything Saxophone Podcast.

“Marino and Arida pull out all the stops and deliver.”
Opera News on Evan Mack’s THE TRAVELLED ROAD.

Interview with Brett Deubner on The Violin Geek Podcast.

“Any fan of Baroque music would be sure to enjoy so distinguished a production as this.”

Meira Warshauer’s “Tekeeyah (A Call): III. Dance of Truth” from LIVING BREATHING EARTH featured on Your Classical.